1. The taxable event of this rate is the use by ships or fishing vessels in activity, the waters of the service area of the port and works and port facilities, which allow maritime access to berth or anchorage that them has been assigned and stay in them.
That percentage may not exceed the percentage represented by the total annual activity of each port service performed by the licensee of self-provision or service integration in the geographical area and, where appropriate, in the type of and merchandise traffic, affected by the particular requirements of service apply.
The Port Authority shall consult, at least once a year, to the Committee regarding the conditions of provision of such services, and in particular on the rates of port services open to general use, organization and quality services and, if necessary, on the establishment, maintenance or agreement limiting the number of service providers.
3. When the development of an activity or service requires the occupation of goods port public domain, a single file is processed, granting a single administrative title that for the same term activity and occupation of port public domain is authorized.
B) impose public service obligations for reasons of national defense or in crisis situations or in order to ensure provision under conditions of continuity and regularity, without prejudice to any compensation that may be applicable under current legislation.
3. Approval or modification of an Infrastructure Plan will determine the substantial modification of the Delimitation of spaces and aluminios Vigo port uses in order to incorporate within it, where appropriate, land or water spaces needed for implementation or development.
In the ports of regional competition, conducting business operations must have a favorable report from the Ministries mentioned in the previous paragraph, which refers to maritime traffic and navigation safety and, where appropriate, to the that appropriate customs controls, health and foreign trade.
1st Port activities related to the exchange between transport modes, those relating to development of port services and other commercial, fishing and port activities nautical sports: 6 percent of the value of land and water space , 4 percent of the value of the works and installations and 100 percent of the value of annual depreciation allocated.
1. For the purpose of this law is called seaport to all terrestrial spaces, marine waters and facilities located on the shore of the sea or estuaries, collect physical, natural or artificial and organizational conditions that permit the realization of port traffic operations, and is authorized for the development of these activities by the competent authority.
I) Registration and control of civil maritime personnel, the minimum composition of the crews of civilian ships for security purposes, determining the general terms of suitability, professionalism, and qualifications to become part of the endowments of all Spanish civil vessels, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs in training and teaching nautical-fishing and underwater-fishing regarding allocations of fishing vessels vocational training.
3. On the report of the Director and hearing the person concerned where applicable, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority granting or denying a discretionary basis and subject to the timely motivation, authorizations whose term of validity exceeds one year, and president of those that do not exceed that period.