Glycation. People with prediabetes are currently advised to reduce their calorie intake and increase their physical activity, and substantial research backs this up. The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group has published several studies showing that Type 2 diabetes may be preventable by diet and exercise.
A conventional meal plan for managing blood sugar consists of a plate half-filled with fresh non-starchy vegetables like steamed green beans with chopped tomatoes or kale salad, one-quarter prediabetes diet with a starchy, high-fiber food, such a small sweet potato or brown rice, and the remaining quarter with a high-protein food, such a small burger, a tofu cutlet or a couple of eggs.
This study objective was to determine the effect on remission of pre-diabetes with a high protein (HP) versus high carbohydrate (HC) diet and effects on metabolic parameters, lean and fat body mass in prediabetic, obese subjects after 6 months of dietary intervention.
If you're diagnosed with pre-diabetes (sometimes called impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance) but don't have any signs of type 2 diabetes, you're likely to be seen every one to three years by your doctor, depending on your blood sugar levels.
In China, for example, where white rice is a staple, the Shanghai Women's Health Study found that women whose diets had the highest glycemic index had a 21 percent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to women whose diets had the lowest glycemic index.
It's hard to determine or decide on a single best diet plan for pre-diabetic condition due to multifactorial reasons which include your age, how quickly your body digests the food, physical fitness and activity level, your body mass index, composition of food in terms of fiber, fat, carbohydrates, and protein in the particular food, how refined the food is, and what else was eaten with the food.
Ralph DeFronzo, an endocrinologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and a co-author of treatment guidelines for the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and the American College of Endocrinology (ACE), is one of the most influential diabetes researchers.
Prior to these findings, doctors believed that prediabetes was something that they should test for when the child nears puberty, , have some risk factor that may indicate that they have diabetes, or those children who have a family history of diabetes.
Dr. John McDougall author of The McDougall Program, and Dr. Colin Campbell author of The China Study, are two diet experts who recommend phasing high saturated fat foods like cheese and meat out of your diet entirely in favor of a high starch, high vegetable and fruit diet with unprocessed grains and legumes.
Processed foods, such as bacon, sausage, paté, salami, breakfast cereals, cheese, tinned vegetables, bread, savoury snacks (crisps, sausage rolls, pies and pasties), cakes and biscuits, microwave meals and so on, are full of oils, added fats, added sugar, refined grains and all sorts of additives.