According to the National Center of Health Statistics over 30 percent of U.S adults are currently obese. Instead, hypnosis helps you communicate to your subconscious mind what you would like to accomplish, then your subconscious mind chews on this information and as opportunities to make better decisions arise, your subconscious mind indicates to you and steers you toward the correct decision.
It is the same with Smoking, if you would like to give up smoking then you need strong Will Power and without it then you will not be able to succeed in giving up your smoking habits, does hypnotherapy work but with Weight Loss Hypnosis, you can succeed as our Weight Loss Hypnotherapist will retrain your mind to give you more confidence and will give you strong Will Power.
Another common occurrence when using willpower alone is that as soon as other matters occupy the mind, or the main goal is removed i.e. slimming for a holiday, or an unexpected crisis arises, people have a tendency to slip back into their old habits.
Taking the decision to intervene in your own relationship with food and use hypnotherapy to find a way of healing the issues that may be preventing you from having a positive relationship with what you eat can be a challenging and emotional step - but hypnotherapy might just be what it takes to free you forever from the prison that overeating has created.
Most people know that eating healthier and exercising regularly can facilitate weight loss, and that remaining overweight comes at significant costs to health and self-esteem Yet, only about 20% of overweight individuals are successful at maintaining weight loss long-term.
While my problems are not as weighty as some of Brennan's clients, and while I think I do not feel an emotional attachment to food, we agree to target issues such as portion size, food as reward and my cravings, which have lingered well past the breastfeeding stage and result in far too many carbohydrates such as white bread, biscuits and pasta becoming my frequent go-to foods.
When you combine these sessions as explained in the app with the techniques included in the rest of the programme for natural relaxation, freedom from negative thoughts and feelings and the building of confidence, you then have a powerful tool at your disposal that goes above and beyond helping you to control the symptom of overeating.